Why Adulting Sucks: On Why Transitions Into Adulthood Are So Difficult

April 28, 2022

What is Adulting?

What is adulting? Adulting is the practice of behaving in a way that is appropriate for an adult, typically the accomplishment of mundane but necessary tasks. We all go through the process of adulthood differently, and the way we approach adulting can either make the transition easier or harder. Our society often makes it seem like adulting is a single, concrete thing, but it is a series of small transitions that add up to a bigger picture.

The Transition from Dependency to Adulthood is Never Easy for Anyone.

There are many reasons why the transition into adulthood is difficult for some people, but the most common ones are related to our identity as children. For some of us, the sense of growing up and becoming an adult is mixed with feelings of loss; we may have grown attached to the child we once were, and the thought of shedding our childhood skin can be painful. For others, the transition into adulthood is marked by a sense of freedom and empowerment; they may feel excited to take on the world, but feel a sense of uncertainty at the same time. The fact is, growing up is hard, no matter what age you are.

I don’t want to grow up.

I want to stay in this magic moment when life is free and easy, with no responsibilities, problems, or expectations. Most of us want to stay children forever. It feels safer that way. But growing up means leaving behind the security of our childhoods and facing the fears and challenges of adulthood. It means taking personal responsibility for our lives and our decisions.

Some of us are clinging to our youth for dear life. We refuse to let go of the freedom and endless opportunities that being a child provides. The moment we realize that we are growing up, that we are no longer the center of the universe, that we have responsibilities, problems, and expectations, life can feel like it has suddenly become a lot harder. It feels like we no longer have the freedom to do whatever we want, whenever we want.

Being An Adult Means You Have To Give Up Being A Kid.

You are not meant to be a child forever. You are meant to grow and mature into the person you were born to be. This is a natural process that is meant to bring us closer to who we were created to be. The moment you realize that you are growing up, that you are no longer the center of the universe, that you have responsibilities and problems and expectations, and learn to deal with these things, life can feel like it has suddenly become a lot harder. You will eventually have to deal with problems and challenges that you couldn’t possibly have imagined when you were a child. You will have to learn to deal with loneliness, fear of change, and the many other life lessons that come with growing up.

Fear Of Change

Most people do not like change. It is scary and uncomfortable, especially when we don’t know what to expect. At some point in our lives, we must accept change. When we were kids, we didn’t want to wear shoes unless our moms made us. We cried when we had to stop playing with our toys for bedtime. We freaked out when we had to start going to school, and so on. In particular, the fear of the unknown, failure, success, and making mistakes can lead to anxiety and depression, and can even cause a person to retreat into habits that they knew prior to this transition.

Fear of the unknown

There’s a comfort in knowing what you’re doing, who you are, and where you’re headed. When there’s an unknown factor, it can be difficult to cope with. This can lead to anxiety and depression, and can even cause a person to retreat into habits that they knew prior to this transition.

Fear of failure

We’re taught to always try our hardest and never give up. But what if we actually do give up? What if we try our hardest and it doesn’t work out? This can lead to feeling like a failure or being perceived as one, which is something all humans would rather avoid.

Fear of success

Sometimes when things are going well, it’s difficult for us to believe we deserve them. This is why some people avoid success altogether by sabotaging their own progress. It’s easier to say “See? I knew I couldn’t do it!” than it is to accept that great things come from hard work and determination.

Fear of making mistakes

We’ve been programmed to think mistakes are bad since the day we were born. We’re told not to make them, so when we do make them, the guilt and shame can be overwhelming. We feel like failures because we believe that we haven’t a certain status. All mistakes are refinement opportunities to sharpen our wits and give us the strength to carry on in our quest.

Growing Up Means Finding Your Truest Self. But That Takes Work

It’s no secret that transitioning into adulthood is difficult. It’s a period of life where you’re supposed to figure out who you are, what you want to do, and how you want to live your life. Unfortunately, it’s often not as simple as it sounds.

While it’s hard to pinpoint the exact moment when a person moves from adolescence into adulthood, psychologists say that emerging adulthood is a real phenomenon. This period, which spans from ages 18 through 25, is marked by identity exploration and instability.

Emerging adults are more likely to move out of their parent’s homes, go back to school multiple times, and delay marriage and parenthood. And while these changes can be positive and healthy, they can also lead to feelings of isolation and insecurity.

ASQ Takeaway

Being an adult means learning to make decisions without knowing the outcome first. It means realizing that you are the only one responsible for your life and happiness. It means facing reality instead of running away from it. We are expected to be financially independent, find a partner and get married, take care of our health, and so on. These are not challenges to run away from, but realities that need thorough analysis and planning. 

The vulnerability we feel while adulting can be disconcerting, threatening, and right out scary.  If we don’t recognize and confront the uncertainty and fear of change, it could lead us into dark places. Though it’s tough, we need to learn how to start being responsible adults.

Transitioning into a responsible adult requires we acknowledge that transitions in life are an avoidable aspect of human reality. It is hard because you have to move through the world in a totally different way. We must embrace the challenge. It is the start of our individual quest. It represents the opportunity to gain new perspectives and the quest to discover new aspects of our truest self.

PhotoPhoto by Barbara Olsen : https://www.pexels.com/photo/a-woman-and-a-girl-walking-on-a-floor-with-flower-petals-7879712/

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