Throughout our lives, we all go through periods of change and face various challenges as individuals. Change is part of our development as humans, but that doesn’t mean it’s any easier to go through when you are in the middle of it. Here at A Soul’s Quest, we know how difficult the transition from dependency to self-reliance can be, so to help you out, we’re here to share with you the top five challenges you’ll need to overcome to stop yourself from being stuck between these two stages.
1. A Lack of Goals and Direction in Your Life
When transitioning from relying on others to relying on yourself for your physical and mental needs, you’ll often find yourself feeling lost and unsure where your life is heading. If you’ve been relying on others for direction for some time now, you may find that you have no goals of your own that you can work towards. Self-reliant individuals generally have a good sense of direction and are always working towards goals in their personal and professional life.
2. Not Knowing Who You Are As a Person
For anyone who is stuck between the two stages currently, you might not have a strong grasp of who you are as a person. If you often find yourself leaning on other people for opinions and ideas, it’s a clear sign that you need to work on becoming more reliant on yourself. Many of us struggle to trust our own minds, but this is something you can work on and build upon as time progresses.
3. Unable to Make Decisions for Yourself
Decision-making is a critical life skill regardless of your age or the stage of life you are currently in. For anyone who finds themselves paralyzed when they are asked to make a decision, this is something you’ll want to start practicing. It can feel overwhelming to be left with this responsibility after relying on someone else for so long to make every decision for you. However, with time and practice, you’ll begin to feel more confident and start trusting in yourself to make good decisions.
4. A Lack of Self-Confidence
One of the top reasons that individuals are so dependent on other people is a lack of self-confidence. If you struggle to believe in yourself and your worth, you’ll want to spend time doing activities you enjoy and surrounding yourself with people who make you feel more confident. This is often an issue when the person you are reliant on isn’t necessarily a positive influence, as they may be knocking your self-esteem and making you feel like you are worthless.
5. Recognizing Dependency
While all of the challenges we listed above are clear indications that you are struggling with dependency, oftentimes, recognizing that you are dependent is the biggest challenge of them all. Once you can acknowledge to yourself where you are currently in your life, you’ll find it much easier to make the necessary changes and move into the next stage of self-reliance.
If you currently find yourself transitioning from dependency to self-reliance, it’s important to work through these challenges to regain your confidence. For more inspiration on your journey, make sure you visit our site and view other people’s stories on our YouTube channel.